管(CM) 4050

07-5252000 #4726

cmchen (AT) mis.nsysu.edu.tw




  • 國立交通大學資訊工程學士, 1984/06
  • 國立交通大學資訊工程碩士, 1986/06
  • 美國馬里蘭大學計算機科學碩士, 1991/12
  • 美國馬里蘭大學計算機科學博士, 1995/05


  • 國立中山大學資訊管理學系教授 2004/02-迄今
  • 國立中山大學資訊管理學系副教授 1996/08-2004/01
  • 臺灣學術網路危機處理中心(TACERT)主持人 2009-迄今
  • 中華民國資訊安全學會 第八屆候補理事、第九和十屆理事
  • 臺灣誠正經營暨防弊鑑識學會理事 2018-迄今
  • 經濟部標準檢驗局 資訊與通信國家標準技術委員會委員 2021/07~迄今
  • 國立中山大學資訊安全研究中心 網路安全組長 2021/08~2022/07
  • 臺灣誠正經營暨防弊鑑識學會顧問 2016-2018
  • 臺灣電腦網路危機處理暨協調中心(TWCERT/CC)顧問 2014-2017
  • 臺灣電腦網路危機處理暨協調中心(TWCERT/CC) 技術組組長 1998-2012
  • 國立中山大學圖書與資訊處副處長 2009-2011
  • 國立中山大學網路系統組組長 2009-2011
  • 中華民國電腦稽核協會高雄分會 副會長 1997/7-1998/7
  • 美國花旗銀行全球資訊網路研究總部 副總經理 1995/02-1996/07
  • 美國馬里蘭大學計算機科學學系研究助理 1992/01-1995/01
  • 美國馬里蘭大學研究生入學審查委員會委員 1992/08-1993/07
  • 美國馬里蘭大學計算機科學學系助教, 1989/08-1991/12
  • 前瞻科技公司計畫專案經理, 1988/06-1989/07
  • 前瞻科技公司副工程師, 1986/06-1989/07


  • 第30屆資訊安全會議 最佳論文獎 2020
  • 2017全國計算機會議 最佳論文獎 2017
  • JWIS(國際資訊安全聯合研討會)最佳論文獎 2011
  • 教學優良課程獎 2008、2011-2022
  • 教育部優秀教材獎-資訊安全 2011
  • JWIS(國際資訊安全聯合研討會)最佳論文獎 2009
  • 美國Fullbright學者獎 2005
  • 國科會甲種獎助


  1. Chia-Mei Chen, Z. Y. Lin, Y. H. Ou, and J. Lin, A hybrid malware analysis approach for identifying process-injection malware based on machine learning, International Journal of Security and Networks, 2024 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  2. Chia-Mei Chen, J. J. Fang, Z. X. Cai, B. Lee, D. W. Wen, Emergent Cybersecurity Information Discovery in Support of Cyber Threat Prevention, International Journal of Network Security (EI), 2023 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  3. Albert Guan, Chia-Mei Chen, A Novel Verification Scheme to Resist Online Password Guessing Attacks, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2022
  4. W. C. Juang, M. H. Hsu, Z. X. Cai, and Chia-Mei Chen, Developing an AI-assisted Clinical Decision Support System to Enhance In-patient Holistic Health Care, PLOS One (PubMed/MEDLINE), 2022 (本人為通訊作者)
  5. Chia-Mei Chen, Z-X Cai, and D-W Wen, Designing and Evaluating an Automatic Forensic Model for Fast Response of Cross-border E-commerce Security Incidents, Journal of Global Information Management (SSCI/EI), 2022 (本人 為第一作者、通訊作者)
  6. Chia-Mei Chen, D-W Wen, Y-H Ou, W-C Chao, and Z-X Cai, Retrieving Potential Cybersecurity Information from Hacker Forums, International Journal of Network Security (EI), 2021 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  7. M. H. Hsu, Chia-Mei Chen, W. C. Juang, Z. X. Cai, T. Kuo, Analyzing Groups of Inpatients’ Healthcare Needs to Improve Service Quality and Sustainability, Sustainability(SCIE/SSCI), 2021
  8. Li-Chu Wu, Chia-Mei Chen, Zheng-Xun Cai, Ming Hsia Hsu, Wang-Chuan Juang, Machine Learning-based Detection of Internet of Thing Attacks in Healthcare Environments, Information Technology in Industry (ESCI), 2021 (本人為通訊作者)
  9. Chia-Mei Chen, Z. Y. Lin, Y. H. Ou, J. W. Lin, A Hybrid Malware Analysis Approach for Identifying Process-Injection Malware Based on Machine Learning, International Journal of Security and Networks (EI), 2021 (Accepted)
  10. Chia-Mei Chen, G. H. Lai, Z. X. Cai, T. C. Chang, B. Lee, Detecting PE-Infection Based Malware, International Journal of Security and Networks (EI), 2021 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  11. Chia-Mei Chen, G-H Syu, Z-X Cai, Analyzing System Log Based on Machine Learning Model, International Journal of Network Security (IJNS), 2020 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  12. Chia-Mei Chen, Y-H Liu, Z-X Cai, and G-H Lai, A Power-efficient Approach to Detect Mobile Threats on the Emergent Network Environment. IEEE Access, IEEE Access, 2020 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  13. J. C. Chuang, Y. C. Hu, Chia-Mei Chen, Z. Yin., Adaptive grayscale image coding scheme based on dynamic multi-grouping absolute moment block truncation coding, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2020 (Accepted)
  14. Chia-Mei Chen, G. H. Syu, Z. X. Cai, Analyzing System Log based on Machine Learning Model, International Journal of Network Security, 2020 (Accepted. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  15. J. C. Chuang, Y. C. Hu, Chia-Mei Chen, Y. H. Lin, Y. Chen, Joint Index Coding and Reversible Data Hiding for Color Image Quantization, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2019
  16. Chia-Mei Chen, Wen-Ling Lo, Ya-Hui Ou, Gu-Hsin Lai, Tse-Yao Wang, Application of Revised Ant Colony Optimization for Anomaly Detection Systems, IJCEE, 2018
  17. Chia-Mei Chen, Wen-Ling Lo, Ya-Hui Ou, Gu-Hsin Lai, Network Anomaly Detection Based on Artificial Intelligence, IWSEC, 2018
  18. Chia-Mei Chen, G. H. Lai, J. Lin, Detection of C&C Servers Based on Swarm Intelligence Approach, Journal of Computers, Vol.29, No.5, 2018
  19. 陳嘉玫、賴谷鑫、張育涵, 雲端開放資料分析運算平台之研究-以資訊安全紀錄檔分析為例, 電子商務研究, 2017
  20. TienHo Chang, Chia-Mei Chen, Hanwei Hsiao, and Gu-Hsin Lai, Cracking of WPA & WPA2 Using GPUs and Rule-based Method, Intelligent automation & Soft Computing, 2017
  21. 王士豪、陳嘉玫, QR Code智慧型藥袋藥物影音查詢系統, 管理資訊計算, 2015
  22. Chia-Mei Chen, G. H. Lai, Research on Classification of Malware Source Code, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2014
  23. 陳嘉玫、黃哲諄、歐雅惠, 以信譽機制為基礎之巨量資料偵測可疑網址, 資訊安全通訊, 2014
  24. 陳嘉玫、江玟璟、歐雅惠, 開放資料應用於行動惡意程式分析研究, 電子商務研究期刊, 2014
  25. Chia-Mei Chen, M. Z. Huang, Y. H. Ou, Detecting Hybrid Botnets with Web Command and Control Servers or Fast Flux Domain, Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing(JIHMSP), 2014 (EI)
  26. Chia-Mei Chen, Jhe-Jhun Huang, Ya-Hui Ou, Detection Suspicious URL Filtering Based on Reputation, Journal of Information Security and Applications, 2014
  27. Chia-Mei Chen, S. T. Cheng, and J. H. Chou, Detection of Fast-Flux Domains, Journal of Advances in Computer Networks (JACN), Vol.1, No.2, 2013, pp.148-152
  28. Chia-Mei Chen, S.-T. Cheng, and R-Y. Zeng, A Proactive Approach to Intrusion Detection and Malware Collection, Security and Communication Networks, Vol.6, 2013, pp.844-853 (SCI)
  29. 陳嘉玫、楊佳蕙、賴谷鑫, 基於結構相似度之惡意程式原始碼分類研究, 電子商務學報, 2013
  30. 官大智、陳嘉玫、林家賓、王則堯, 以異常為基礎之即時通訊惡意網址偵測, 資訊管理學報, Vol.19, No.3, 2012, pp.567-589 (國科會100-2218-E-110-011)
  31. 陳嘉玫、官大智、陳怡綾, 以行為為基礎偵測異常IRC 流量, 資訊安全通訊 (Communications of the CCISA), Vol.18, No.3, 2012
  32. 侯雍聰、陳嘉玫, 以異常行為為基礎之即時惡意網頁偵測之研究, 電子商務學報(Journal of e-Business), Vol.13, No.1, 2011, pp.117-134
  33. G. H. Lai, C. S. Ouyang, Chia-Mei Chen,, A Group-based Deployment for Wormhole Prevention in Sensor Networks, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol.27, 2011, pp.79-93 (SCI)
  34. Y. Hou, Y. Chang, T. Chen, C. Laih, and Chia-Mei Chen, Malicious Web Content Detection by Machine Learning, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.37, No.1, 2010, pp.55-60 (SCI)
  35. Y. T. Hou, Chia-Mei Chen, and B. C. Jeng, An Optimal New-Node Placement to Enhance the Coverage of Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Networks, Vol.14, No.4, 2010, pp.1033-1043 (SCI)
  36. Chia-Mei Chen, Y. L. Chen, H. C. Lin,, An efficient network intrusion detection, Computer Communicatons, Vol.33, No.4, 2010, pp.477-484 (SCIE)
  37. J. L. Liu, C. W. Chou, and Chia-Mei Chen, Optimising mobile base station placement using an enhanced Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm, International Journal Business Intelligence and Data Mining, Vol.5, No.1, 2010
  38. Y. T. Hou, Chia-Mei Chen, and B. C. Jeng, An Optimal New-Node Placement to Enhance the Coverage of Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Networks, 2009 (SCI)
  39. Chia-Mei Chen, Y. L. Chen, and H. C. Lin, An efficient network intrusion detection, Computer Communications, 2009 (SCI)
  40. J. L. Liu, C. W. Chou, and Chia-Mei Chen, Optimising mobile base station placement using an enhanced Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm, accepted by Int. J. Business Intelligence and Data Mining, 2009
  41. J. L. Liu and Chia-Mei Chen, Improved Intelligent Genetic Algorithm Applied to Long-endurance Airfoil Optimization Design, Engineering Optimization, Vol.42, No.2, 2009 (SCI)
  42. G. H. Lai, C. W. Chou, Chia-Mei Chen, and Ya-Hua Ou, Anti-Spam Filter Based on Data Mining and Statistical Test, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol.208, 2009
  43. 賴谷鑫,周照偉,陳嘉玫, 結合資料探勘與統計檢定之垃圾郵件過濾器之研究, Accepted by 電子商務學報, 2009, pp.773-791 (TSSCI)
  44. G. H. Lai, Chia-Mei Chen, C. S. Laih, and T. Chen, A Collaborative Anti-Spam System, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.44, No.1, 2008 (SCI)
  45. G. H. Lai and Chia-Mei Chen, Detecting Denial of Service Attacks in Sensor Networks, Journal of Computers, Vol.18, No.4, 2008
  46. Chia-Mei Chen and C. P. Wei, Efficient Network Monitoring for Large Networks, Journal of Computers, Vol.18, No.4, 2008
  47. Chia-Mei Chen, B. C. Jeng, G. H. Lai, W Chao, Ant-Based IP Traceback, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.36, No.3, 2007 (SCI)
  48. H. C. Wang, B. C. Jeng, and Chia-Mei Chen, Structural Testing Using a Memetic Algorithm, Journal of Software Engineering Studies, 2007
  49. H. M. Sun, Chia-Mei Chen, and L. C. Shu, Object-based Multimedia Scheduling Based on Bipartite Graphs, IEICE Transaction on Communication, Vol.E88-B, No.1, 2005 (SCI)
  50. Chia-Mei Chen, H. M. Sun, L. C. Shu, Optimizing Object-based Multimedia Delivery Across Bandwidth Constrained Networks, Computer Journal, Vol.47, No.5, 2004
  51. S-T Cheng, C. Chen, C. Li, and Chia-Mei Chen, Network topology management in a mobile-switch ATM network: dynamic partition algorithms, International Journal of Network Management, Vol.12, No.2, 2002, pp.99-115 (EI, Engineering Index)
  52. Sheng-Tzong Cheng, Chia-Mei Chen, and H. T. Liu, Dynamic Round-based Resource Management for On-Demand Multimedia Servers, computer Journal, Vol.43, No.5, 2000, pp.386-395 (SCI)
  53. Sheng-Tzong Cheng, Chia-Mei Chen, and S. K. Tripathi, A Fault-Tolerant Model for Real-Time Systems, Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol.61, No.3, 2000, pp.457-477 (SCI)
  54. Sheng-Tzong Cheng, Chia-Mei Chen, and Cheng-Jeng Peng, Topological Network Design subject to 1-Fault Tolerance, accepted by IJCA International Journal of Computers and Their Applications, 1999
  55. S. Cheng, Chia-Mei Chen, and S. K. Tripathi, Priority-Based Synchronization Protocols for Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems, submitted to the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 1999
  56. Sheng-Tzong Cheng, Chia-Mei Chen, and Jing-Wen Hwang, Low Power Design for Real-Time Systems, Real-Time Systems, 1998 (SCI)
  57. Sheng-Tzong Cheng and Chia-Mei Chen, Temporal Analysis and Algorithms for Real-Time Scheduling and Allocation, IJCA International Journal of Computers and Their Applications, 1998
  58. Chia-Mei Chen, Shyh-In Hwang, and Satish K. Tripathi, A Performance Study of Real-Time Optimistic Concurrency Control with the Knowledge of Execution Time, ISCA International Journal of Computers and Their Applications, 1995
  59. Chia-Mei Chen and W. H. Tsai, Automatic Identification of Chinese Seal Imprints with Arbitrary or Partial Shapes, Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages, 1986


  1. W. C. Juang, J. Lin, Chia-Mei Chen, and Z. X. Cai, An Assessment of Cybersecurity Awareness in a Healthcare Institute, 23rd International Conference on Emergency Medicine (ICEM 2024), 2024
  2. J. W. Lin, Chia-Mei Chen, Z. X. Cai, and W. C. Juang, Assessment of Information Security Awareness in Healthcare by Social Engineering Exercise, International Society for Quality in Health Care 39th International Conference (ISQua), 2023
  3. Chia-Mei Chen, S. H. Lin, G. H. Lai, Y. H. Ou, Z. X. Cai, Identify Vulnerable Components in IoT Using Machine Learning, The 13th International Conference on Frontier Computing (FC 2023), 2023 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  4. Chia-Mei Chen, F. H. Hsu, J. N. Hwang, Useful Cyber Threat Intelligence Relation Retrieval Using Transfer Learning, European Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Conference, 2023 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  5. Chia-Mei Chen, S. Y. Huang, Z. X. Cai, Y. H. Ou, J. Lin, Detecting Supply Chain Attacks with Unsupervised Learning, IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, 2023 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  6. 陳嘉玫、徐根弘、蔡政勳, 運用GRU偵測目標式攻擊之研究, 臺灣網際網路研討會暨全國計算機會議(TANET & NSC), 2023 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  7. 莊旺川、林俊吾、陳嘉玫、蔡政勳、歐雅惠, 使用HAIS-Q探討醫療院所工作者之資安意識, 第 34 屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM 2023), 2023
  8. 陳嘉玫、康為傑、歐雅惠, 混合非監督式學習及風險分數偵測密碼猜測攻擊, 全國資訊安全會議, 2023 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  9. C C. Chang, Chia-Mei Chen and H. W. Hsiao, Applying an IoT Analytics Framework in East Asia Area, International Computer Symposium, 2022
  10. Chia-Mei Chen, Y. X. Wang, Z. X. Cai, B. Lee, and G. H. Lai, Automatic Summarization of Critical Threat Intelligence Using Transfer Learning, International Computer Symposium, 2022 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  11. W. C. Juang, Chia-Mei Chen, Z. X. Cai, M. H. Hsu, Developing an Efficient Clinic Decision Support System Based on Deep Learning, International Conference of International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQUA 2022), Brisbane, Australia, 2022
  12. 陳嘉玫、葉承翔、吳明奕、吳東興, 運用資安協作自動化變應以提高資安營運中心效率, 臺灣網路網路研討會, 2022 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  13. 陳嘉玫、徐梓竣、郭俊昌、蔡政勳, 導入物聯網以自動化管理傳統產業機台之研究, 臺灣網路網路研討會, 2022 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  14. 莊旺川、林俊吾、蔡政勳、陳嘉玫, 分析醫院社交工程攻擊演練以改善員工資安意識, 全球華人品質峰會, 2022
  15. 陳嘉玫、林聖豪、蔡政勳、賴谷鑫, 物聯網弱點檢測之研究, 全國資訊安全會議, 2022 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  16. 陳嘉玫、黃弘瑋、歐雅惠、林俊吾, 以樹莓派防禦物聯網殭屍網路攻擊, 全國資訊安全會議, 2022 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  17. 萬樹人、伍麗珠、莊旺川、陳嘉玫, 運用優先佇列演算法提升護理 排班之時間效率, 國際品質管理研討會(ISQM 2022), 2022 (本人為通訊作者)
  18. 陳嘉玫、徐梓竣、郭俊昌, 傳統產業導入物聯網管理機台之研究, 臺灣網路網路研討會, 2022 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  19. M. H. Hsu, W. C. Juang, Z. X. Cai, L.C. Wu, W. C. Huang, T. Kuo, Chia-Mei Chen, Evaluation of Recurrent Neural Network Model Training for Health Care Suggestions, International Conference on Security and Information Technologies with AI, Internet Computing and Big-data Applications (SITAIBA), 2021
  20. Chia-Mei Chen, J-Y Kan, Y-H Ou, Z-X Cai, and A. Guan, Threat Action Extraction Using Information Retrieval, The International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (CCSIT 2021), 2021 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  21. Chia-Mei Chen, Z-X Cai, G-H Lai, A study of Identifying Attacks on Industry Internet of Things using Machine Learning, The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Soft Computing (AISC 2021), 2021 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  22. Albert Guan, Chia-Mei Chen, A Novel Verification scheme to Resist Password Guessing Attacks, The 2021 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (DSC 2021), 2021
  23. 陳嘉玫、徐根宏、蔡政勳, 以機器學習協助鑑識網路行為之研究, 臺灣網際網路研討會暨全國計算機會議(NCS), 2021
  24. 陳嘉玫、黃嵩育、賴谷鑫、歐雅惠, 基於Active Directory事件紀錄偵測系統, 全國資訊安全會議, 2021 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  25. 陳嘉玫、林玫妏、賴谷鑫、蔡政勳, 雲端架構與運算效能之探討, 2021管理觀念與應用研討會, 2021 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  26. 陳嘉玫、方俊傑、溫丹瑋、劉譯閎、歐雅惠, 以文字探勘挖掘資安趨勢之研究, 2021管理觀念與應用研討會(MCAC), 2021 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  27. Tienho Chang, Chia-Mei Chen, Gu-Hsin Lai and Yu-Che Hu, The Analysis of the Wireless Access Point password with GPU and Rules-Based Method, Computer Information Security Conference, 2020
  28. T. Chang, Chia-Mei Chen, G. H. Lai, The Empirical Study of Passwords Analysis in Access Point with Specific-Rules and Graphic Process Units, The 15th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security, 2020
  29. Chia-Mei Chen, G. H. Lai, T. C. Chang, B. Lee, Detecting PEInfection Based Malware., Advances in Information and Communication. Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC 2020), San Francisco, USA, 2020 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  30. 陳嘉玫、賴谷鑫、歐雅惠、王國穎, 高互動物聯網誘捕系統之研究, 台灣警察專科研討會, 2020 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  31. 陳嘉玫、許智源、賴谷鑫、林俊吾、官大智, 基於輪廓的內部伺服器網路異常偵測, 全國資訊安全會議, 2020 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  32. 陳嘉玫、賴谷鑫、蔡政勳、歐雅惠, 適用於快速資安事故回應之自動化數位鑑識系統, 全國資訊安全會議, 2020 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  33. Chia-Mei Chen, W. C. Juang, and D. W, Wen, Communication among Distinctive Experts on a System Development Project, 專案管理國際研討會, 2019 (本人為第一作者)
  34. Chia-Mei Chen, D. W. Wen, J. J. Fang, G. H. Lai, Y. H. Liu, A Study on Security Trend based on News Analysis, The 10th IEEE International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST 2019), Morioka, Japan, 2019 (本人為第一作者)
  35. Chia-Mei Chen, G. H. Lai, J. M. Lin, Detection of mobile malware in IoT Networks Environment, Future ICT 2019, 2019 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  36. Chia-Mei Chen, S. H. Wang, D. W. Wen, G. H. Lai, M. K. Sun, Applying Convolutional Neural Network for Malware Detection, The 10th IEEE International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST 2019), Morioka, Japan, 2019 (本人為第一作者)
  37. Chia-Mei Chen, W. C. Juang, S. J. Huang, and D. W. Wen, Telemedicine for rural area in southern Taiwan, International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, 2019 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  38. 陳嘉玫、莊般若、賴谷鑫, 監控I/O請求以進行勒索軟體偵測, 全國計算機會議 (NCS 2019), 2019 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  39. 陳嘉玫、林澤宇、賴谷鑫、劉譯閎, 偵測處理程序注入之惡意 行為, 第二十九屆全國資訊安全會議 (CICS 2019), 台中, 2019 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  40. 陳嘉玫、陳慧霞、張明達、吳惠麟、陳怡靜, 虛擬貨幣惡意挖礦 綁架之攻擊行為研究, 第二十八屆全國資訊安全會議(CISC 2018), 2018 (本人為第 一作者、通訊作者)
  41. Chia-Mei Chen, G.H Lai and Z.-X. Tsai, Integrated Digital Forensic for Cyber Attacks, International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-data Services (SICBS 2018), 2018
  42. D. W. Wen, Chia-Mei Chen, Evolution of Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) Attacks and Actors, International Computer Symposium (ICS 2018), 2018
  43. Chia-Mei Chen, W. L. Lo, G. H. Lai, Y. C. Hu, Network Anomaly Detection Based on Artificial Intelligence., The Fourteenth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP 2018), 2018
  44. T. H. Chang, Chia-Mei Chen, G. H. Lai, J. Lin, The Method of Capturing the Encrypted Password Packets of WPA & WPA2, Automatic, Semi-Automatic. IEEE DSC, IEEE Dependable and Secure Computing 2018, 2018
  45. 李柏毅、蔡一郎、陳嘉玫, 從網路威脅情資分享探討我國關鍵資訊基礎設施防護策略, 2018第二十四屆國際資訊管理暨實務研討會, 2018
  46. 富榮光、陳嘉玫, 應用程式對資料庫的存取安全與防護, 第25屆臺灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2019), 高雄, 2018
  47. Chia-Mei Chen, Wen-Ling Lo, Ya-Hui Ou, Gu-Hsin Lai, Tse-Yao Wang, Application of Revised Ant Colony Optimization for Anomaly Detection Systems, ICCCS2018, Japan, 2018
  48. 陳嘉玫、莊旺川、歐雅惠, 有效率暨公平之急診人員排班管理系統, 第十七屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會(ITAOI 2018), 澎湖, 2018 (本人為第一作者、通訊作者)
  49. 歐雅惠、陳嘉玫、王則堯 , 選擇最適過濾法則偵測目標式攻擊, 第二十八屆全國資訊安全會議(CISC 2018), 2018
  50. Tienho Chang, Ilsun You, Chia-Mei Chen and Han Wei Hsiao, The Cryptanalysis of WPA & WPA2 Using the Parallel-Computing with GPUs, Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), 2017
  51. Chia-Mei Chen, Gu-Hsin Lai, Tienho Chang, and Kuo Yen-Chih, Improving Alert Accuracy for Smart Vehicles, LNCS, 2017
  52. Chia-Mei Chen, Gu-Hsin Lai, Tienho Chang, and Kuo Yen-Chih, Improving Alert Accuracy for Smart Vehicles, SecIoE-2017 (2nd International Workshop on Security of the Internet of Everything), 2017
  53. 陳嘉玫,曾昭銘,陳怡靜,張明達,吳惠麟, 利用物聯網裝置漏洞之攻擊行為研究, 全國資訊安全會議 (CISC 2017), 2017
  54. 陳嘉玫、賴谷鑫、張天河, 偵測車載通訊網路警報真實性, 全國資訊安全會議 (CISC 2017), 2017
  55. 陳嘉玫,歐雅惠, 賴谷鑫, 張育涵, 運用雲端運算技術改善偵測網路攻擊之效能, 全國資訊安全會議 (CISC 2017), 2017
  56. Tienho Chang, Ilsun You, Chia-Mei Chen and Han Wei Hsiao, The Cryptanalysis of WPA & WPA2 Using the Parallel-Computing with GPUs, MobiSec 2016, 2016
  57. Tienho Chang, Chia-Mei Chen, Han Wei Hsiao and Lai Gu-Hsin, Cracking of WPA & WPA2 Using GPUs and Rule-based Method, AIMS-FSS 2016, 2016
  58. Chia-Mei Chen, Han Wei Hsiao and Tienho Chang , The Cryptanalysis of WPA & WPA2 Using the Parallel-Computing with GPUs , The 2016 International Symposium on Mobile Internet Security (MobiSec 2016), 2016
  59. Chia-Mei Chen, Gu-Hsin Lai, Detecting Command and Control Servers Using Ant Colony Optimization, The International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT 2016), 2016
  60. 王士豪、陳嘉玫, 漸進式惡意程式分類方法, 第二十五屆全國資訊安全會議, 2015
  61. 陳嘉枚、王則堯、羅文翎, 智慧型僵屍網路偵測, 第二十五屆全國資訊安全會議, 2015
  62. 郭振忠、歐雅惠、劉奕賢、王子夏、郭鎮穎、陳嘉玫、李忠憲、林輝堂、楊竹星, 網路威脅搜捕、分析、追蹤與過濾技術之研究, 2014Cyberspace「雲端服務應用、安全與稽核」研討會, 2015
  63. Chiamei Chen and Tienho Chang, The Cryptanalysis of WPA & WPA2 in the Rule-Based Brute Force Attack, AsiaJCIS 2015, 2015
  64. 陳嘉玫、賴谷鑫、歐雅惠, IPv6 網路環境威脅以及偵測工具之研究, 第四屆網路智能與應用研討會, 2014
  65. 陳嘉玫、賴谷鑫、黃僑偉, 基於漸增式分群法之惡意程式自動分類研究, 第二十四屆全國資訊安全會議, 2014
  66. G. H. Lai and Chia-Mei Chen, An Efficient Honeypot Based Malware Classification System, ICS2014, 2014
  67. Chia-Mei Chen, J. M. Lin and G. H. Lai, Detecting Mobile Application Malicious Behaviors Based on Data Flow of Source Code, 1st International Conference on Trustworthy Systems and Their Applications, 2014
  68. Chia-Mei Chen, P. Y. Yang, Y. H. Ou, H. W. Hsia, Targeted Attack Prevention at Early Stage, SMPE 2014, 2014
  69. 曾琳銘、林孝忠、陳嘉玫, 植基於SVM之惡意軟體分析機制, 全國計算機會議(NCS2013), 2013
  70. 陳嘉玫、張哲誠、歐雅惠、林俊吾、賴谷鑫, 使用隱藏馬可夫模型偵測持續性滲透攻擊之研究, 全國計算機會議(NCS2013), 台灣台中, 2013
  71. 陳嘉玫、林蕙君、王則堯, 惡意郵件社交工程防範作業有效性之研究, 第十九屆資訊管理暨實務研討會(IMP2013), 2013
  72. 陳嘉玫、江玟璟、歐雅惠, 開放資料應用於行動惡意程式分析研究, 2013 Open data 學術研討會, 2013
  73. 陳嘉玫、江玟璟、吳惠麟、陳怡靜、曾昭明, 基於資料外洩的行動惡意程式行為分析, 台灣網際網路研討會(TANET2013), 2013
  74. 陳嘉玫、李玉雲、賴谷鑫, 以螞蟻演算法為基礎之殭屍網路命令與控制伺服器朔源研究, 第23屆資訊安全會議(CISC2013), 2013
  75. 陳嘉玫、楊佳蕙、賴谷鑫, 惡意程式原始碼分類研究, 第二屆海峽兩岸資安研討會, 2013
  76. Gu-Hsin Lai, Chia-Mei Chen, Yu-Yun Le, Botnet Server Detection Using Ant Algorithm, 全國計算機會議(NCS2013), 2013
  77. Chia-Mei Chen, G. H. Lai, Y. Y. Le, and J. C. Fan, Botnet Threat Traceback for Open Network Environments, 第十九屆海峽兩岸訊息管理發展, 2013
  78. Chia-Mei Chen, H. W. Hsiao, P. Y. Yang, and Y. H. Ou, Defending Malicious Attacks in Cyber Physical Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems, Networks, and Applications (CPSNA2013), 2013
  79. Chia-Mei Chen, J. J. Huang, Y. H. Ou, Detecting Web Attacks Based on Domain Statistics, Pacific Asia on Intelligence and Security Informatics( PAISI2013), 中國北京, 2013
  80. Chia-Mei Chen, S. T. Cheng, J. H. Chou, Efficient Detection of Fast-Flux Domains, 2013 The 5th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology(ICCET 2013), 2013
  81. Chia-Mei Chen, D.J. Guan, Y. Z. Huang, and Y. H Ou, State-based Attack Detection for Cloud. International Symposium on Next-Generation Electronics (ISNE2013), 2013
  82. H. Lin and Chia-Mei Chen, Centralized Botnet Detection Using Network Analysis, 2013 International Conference on Electronic Engineering and Computer Science (EECS 2013), 2013
  83. 陳嘉玫、李玉雲、賴谷鑫, 以螞蟻演算法偵測殭屍網路之命令與控制伺服器, 2012資訊安全技術創新應用研討會, 2012
  84. 陳嘉玫、蔡旻螢、曾瑞瑜、陳怡靜、張明達、吳惠麟, 多功能惡意程式行為研究, 台灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2012), 2012 (國科會:100-2218-E-110-011)
  85. 陳嘉玫、蔡旻螢, 多節點異常警告之關聯研究, 第二十二屆資訊安全會議 (CISC 2012), 2012 (國科會:100-2218-E-110-011)
  86. 陳嘉玫、蕭漢威、李宗南、楊中皇、楊鵬宇, 偵測聯合攻擊之研究, 第二十三屆國際資訊管理學術研討會 (ICIM 2012), 2012 (國科會:100-2218-E-110-011)
  87. 陳嘉玫、王則堯、蔡閎亘, 簡潔化惡意軟體行為分析, 第二十三屆國際資訊管理學術研討會 (ICIM 2012), 2012 (國科會:100-2218-E-100-004-MY3)
  88. Chia-Mei Chen, M. Z. Huang, Y. H. Ou, Detecting Web-Based Botnets with Fast-flux Domains, International Computer Symposium (ICS2012), Taiwan, 2012
  89. Chia-Mei Chen, S. T. Cheng, J. H. Chou, Y. H. Ou, Formulistic detection of Malicious Fast-Flux Domains, IEEE International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Programming (PAAP 2012), 2012
  90. Chia-Mei Chen, D. J. Guan, Y. Z. Huang, and Y. H. Ou, Attack Sequence Detection in Cloud Using Hidden Markov Model, The Asia JointConference on Information Security(AsiaJCIS 2012), 日本東京, 2012
  91. Chia-Mei Chen, D. J. Guan, Y.-Z. Huang, and Y.-H. Ou, Attack Sequence Detection in Cloud Using Hidden Markov Model, The Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS 2012), 2012
  92. Chia-Mei Chen, D. J. Guan, Q.-K. Su, and S.-T. Cheng, Detecting Suspicious URLs in Social Network Service, The 2012 IEEE International Conference on Computing and Security (ICCS), 2012
  93. Chia-Mei Chen, Y.-H. Ou, J.-J. Huang, Detecting Web Attacks Based on Domain Reputation, The 2012 IEEE International Conference on Computing and Security (ICCS), 2012
  94. Chia-Mei Chen, Detecting Anomaly Mobile Web Page through Template Classification, The 11th Emerging Information and Technology Conference (EITC 2011), 28~ 29 2011
  95. 陳嘉玫、歐雅惠、黃銘宗, 偵測具有動態網域特性的殭屍網路, 第二十一屆資訊安全會議, 2011
  96. Chia-Mei Chen, Ya-Hui Ou, and Yu-Chou Tsai, Web Botnet Detection Based on Flow Information, ICS 2010 International Computer Symposium, 16~ 18 2010
  97. 陳嘉玫、吳惠麟、王則堯, 惡意網站軟體誘捕系統, 2010資訊安全技術創新應用研討會, 2010
  98. 陳嘉玫、歐雅惠、林士棻, 行動裝置安全瀏覽網頁之機制, IMP 2010 第十六屆資訊管理暨實務研討會, 2010
  99. 陳嘉玫、洪瑞麟、林孝忠、吳惠麟, 以Linux 系統為基礎之日誌檔樣式化研究, TANET 2010 台灣網際網路研討會, 2010
  100. Chia-Mei Chen, Wan-Yi Tsai, Yung-Tsung Hou, Malicious Webpage Detection, FIRST 2009, Kyoto, Japan, 26~ 3 2009
  101. Gu-Hsin Lai, Chao-Wei Chou, Chia-Mei Chen, Ya-Hua Ou, Anti-Spam Filter Based on Data Mining and Statistical Test, 8th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2009), Shanghai, China, 1~ 3 2009
  102. H.C. Lin, Chia-Mei Chen, J. Y. Tzeng, “Flow Based Botnet Detection”, Fourth International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC 2009), 7~ 9 2009
  103. Chia-Mei Chen, W. Y. Tsai., H. C. Lin, Anomaly Behavior Analysis for Web Page Inspection, The First International Conference on Networks & Communications (NetCoM-2009), 27~ 29 2009
  104. 蔡育洲, 林孝忠, 陳嘉玫, “植基於Flow 資訊之網頁為基礎之殭屍網路偵測”, 全國計算機會議 (NCS 2009), 27~ 28 2009
  105. M. Wu, Chia-Mei Chen, and C. H. Wang, “CPDCF for IEEE 802,11 WLANs”, The Fourth International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM 2009), 2009
  106. D. J. Guan, Chia-Mei Chen, J. S. Luo, and Y. T. Hou, “Malicious Web Page Detection based on Anomaly Semantics”, The fourth Joint Workshop on Information Security (JWIS 2009), 2009
  107. D. J. Guan, Chia-Mei Chen, and J. B. Lin, “Anomaly Based Malicious URL Detection in Instant Messaging”, The fourth Joint Workshop on Information Security (JWIS 2009), 2009
  108. G. H. Lai, Chia-Mei Chen, R. Y. Tzeng, C. S. Laih, and C. Faloutsos, “Botnet Detection by Abnormal IRC Traffic Analysis”, The fourth Joint Workshop on Information Security (JWIS 2009), 2009
  109. 林士強, 陳嘉玫, 林孝忠, “在行動P2P 網路環境中的集購資訊散播率之研究”, ICIM 第20 屆國際資訊管理學術研討會─資訊科技與創新, 23 2009
  110. G. H. Lai, Chia-Mei Chen, Y. F. Chiu, C. S. Laih, and T. Chen, “A Collaborative Approach to Anti-Spam”, 20th Annual FIRST Conference, 22~ 27 2008
  111. S. T. Cheng, S. Y. Li, and Chia-Mei Chen, “Distributed Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Seventh IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 08), 14~ 16 2008
  112. Y. C. Cheng, C. S. Laih, G. H. Lai, Chia-Mei Chen, T. Chen, “Defending On-Line Web Application Security with User-Behavior Surveillance”, Third International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, 4~ 7 2008
  113. S. F. Lin, Y. T. Hou, Chia-Mei Chen, and B. C. Jeng, “Malicious Webpage Detection by Semantics-Aware Reasoning”, IEEE Intelligent System Design and Application (ISDA) Conference, 2008
  114. G. H. Lai, C. S. Ouyang, Chia-Mei Chen, “A Group-based Deployment for Wormhole Prevention in Sensor Networks”, The 14th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, 2008
  115. C. Y. Lee, Chia-Mei Chen, H. C. Lin, “Buffer Overflow Prevention Based on Binary Exploit Code”, International Conference on Information Management, 2008
  116. Y. T. Hou, Chia-Mei Chen, and B. C. Jeng, “A Key Predistribution Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks Using the Small-World Concept”, International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS2007), Regensburg, Germany, 3~ 7 2007
  117. G. H. Lai, Chia-Mei Chen, B. C. Jeng, “DoS Detection in Cluster-based Sensor Networks”, IASTED International Conference on Communication,Network and Information Security (CNIS 2007), Berkeley, USA, 24~ 26 2007
  118. Y. T. Hou, Chia-Mei Chen, B. C. Jeng, “Distributed Detection of Wormholes and Critical Links in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2007), 26~ 28 2007
  119. W. Y. Lai, Chia-Mei Chen, B. C. Jeng, G. H. Lai, and H. C. Lin, “Information Exchange Mechanism Based on Reputation in Mobile P2P Networks”, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2007), 26~ 28 2007
  120. Chia-Mei Chen, B. C. Jeng, G. H. Lai, C. L. Wang, “Adaptive Clustering for Sensor Network” , International Conference in IT and Application (ICITA) sponsored by IEEE NSW Section, Harbin, China, 15~ 18 2007
  121. Y. F. Chiu, Chia-Mei Chen, B. C. Jeng, and H. C. Lin, “An Alliance-based Anti-Spam Approach”, International Conference on Natural Computation, Haikou, China, 2007
  122. Y. T. Hou, Chia-Mei Chen and B. C. Jeng, “A Key Predistribution Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks Using the Small-World Concept”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007
  123. 李常友、陳嘉玫、鄭炳強、趙善中、林孝忠, 「以關聯規則法分析攻擊探測程式之緩衝區溢位防治研究」, TANET 2007, 2007
  124. 林士棻、陳嘉玫、鄭炳強, 「以模式基礎推論用於偵測惡意動態網頁之研究」, Information Security Conference (ISC 2007), 2007
  125. 陳嘉玫、侯雍聰, 「Linux 開放架構下數位生活家用網路安全之嵌入式平台開發」, 2007 開放原始碼技術與應用研討會, 2007
  126. Y. T. Hou, T. C. Lee, Chia-Mei Chen, and B. C. Jeng, “Node Placement for Optimal Coverage in Sensor Networks”, IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing (SUTC), 5~ 7 2006
  127. Chia-Mei Chen, B. C. Jeng, C. R. Yang, and G. H. Lai, “Tracing Denial of Service Origin: Ant Colony Approach”, European Workshop on Evolutionary Computation in Communication Networks and Connected Systems (EvoCOMNET) 2006, Budapest, Hungary, 10~ 12 2006
  128. Y. T. Hou, T. C. Lee, B. C. Jeng, and Chia-Mei Chen, “Optimal Coverage Deployment for Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology co-sponsored by IEEE Communications Society, Phoenix Park, Korea, 20~ 22 2006
  129. Chia-Mei Chen, B. C. Jeng, C. R. Yang, and G. H. Lai, “Tracing Denial of Service Origin: Ant Colony Approach”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science:Applications of Evolutionary Computing, 2006
  130. S. T. Cheng, C. Y. Wang, and Chia-Mei Chen, “An Adaptive Data Broadcasting for Wireless Access” , the IASTED International Conference on Wireless Network and Emerging Technologies , Banff, Canada, 2006
  131. 邱郁芬、林孝忠、陳嘉玫, 「以區域聯防為基礎之垃圾郵件防治研究」, 2006 數位教學暨資訊實務研討會, 2006
  132. Y. L. Chen, Chia-Mei Chen, and C. Ravishankar, “A Lightweight Network Intrusion Detection”, 2005 International Forensic Science Symposium (IFSS), 2005
  133. Chia-Mei Chen, N. S. Chen, J. S. Cheng, I. L. Lin, “Localization on Network Auditing System”, 2005 International Forensic Science Symposium (IFSS), 2005
  134. Chia-Mei Chen, S.-P. We, and J. S. Cheng, “Effective Network Monitor Based on Flow Traffic”, FIRST Computer Security Incident Handling Conference, Singapore, 2005
  135. 曾漠益、 賴谷鑫、 陳嘉玫、 鄭炳強, 「以約略集合理論為基礎之垃圾郵件過濾研究」, 第十一屆資訊管理暨實務研討會 (IMP), 2005
  136. 曾仲強、 賴谷鑫、 陳嘉玫、 鄭炳強, 「以支援向量機為基礎之後門程式入侵偵測」, 第十屆人工智慧與應用研討會 (TAAI), 2005
  137. 陳雅玲、陳嘉玫、 鄭炳強, 「LINIDS:輕型網路入侵偵測系統」, 第十六屆國際資訊管理學術研討會 (ICIM), 2005
  138. 陳嘉玫、楊鴻鈞、賴谷鑫, 「滿足服務品質需求之資源管理研究」, 第十六屆國際資訊管理學術研討會 (ICIM), 2005
  139. 陳嘉玫、賴谷鑫、羅哲峰, 「客戶需求傳輸之動態資源管理研究」, 資通技術管理與應用研討會 (SAICT), 2005
  140. 邱郁芬、 賴谷鑫、 陳嘉玫、 鄭炳強, 「以區域聯防為基礎之垃圾郵件防治研究」, 「網際空間:資安、犯罪與法律社會」學術研究暨實務研討會, 2005
  141. 陳嘉玫、魏川弼, 「大型網路上的網路監控」, 「網際空間:資訊、法律與社會」學術研究暨實務研討會, 2004
  142. 陳嘉玫、王辭寒, 「遠端攻擊入侵偵測」, 「網際空間:資訊、法律與社會」學術研究暨實務研討會, 2004
  143. 賴昆宜、陳嘉玫, 「弱點掃描之區域化研究」, 「網際空間:資訊、法律與社會」學術研究暨實務研討會, 2004
  144. 鄭進興、陳威安、陳嘉玫、林敬皇, 「DNSSEC 安全機制實作研究」, TANET 2004, 2004
  145. Chia-Mei Chen, Analysis and Trend of Security Crime in Taiwan, Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies (APRICOT), 2004
  146. H. M. Sun, Chia-Mei Chen, L. C. Shu, “Optimizing multimedia delivery over bandwidth limited networks”, The 13th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, Association for Chinese Management Educators (ACME 2003), 2003
  147. 陳嘉玫、吳啟常、鄭進興、陳年興, 「Code Automation for Vulnerability Scanner」, 「網際空間:資訊、法律與社會」學術研究暨實務研討會, 2003
  148. 陳嘉玫、鄭偉成、鄭進興、陳年興, 「Intrusion Detection on Distribution Attacks」, 「網際空間:資訊、法律與社會」學術研究暨實務研討會, 2003
  149. 鄭進興、沈志昌、古東明、陳嘉玫, 「DNS 網域安全稽核防護系統之建置」, TANET 2003, 2003
  150. H. M. Sun, Chia-Mei Chen, L. C. Shu, “Real-Time Scheduling for Multimedia Streams Over Resource-Constrained Networks”, The 8th International Conference on Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), Tokyo, Japan, 2002
  151. S. T Cheng, J. P. Liu, J. L. Kao, and C. M. Chen, “A New Framework for Mobile Web Services”, Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT), Nara, Japan, 2002
  152. 鄭進興、林柏宇、陳嘉玫、陳年興, 「DNS 安全檢測系統」, TANET 2002, 2002
  153. 陳嘉玫、鄭進興等, 「校園網路安全性之評估」, 「網際空間:資訊、法律與社會」學術研究暨實務研討會, 2001
  154. H. M. Sun, Chia-Mei Chen, L. C. Shu, “Real-Time Multimedia Delivery Over Wireless Networks”, The 7th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia System (DMS), 2001
  155. S. T. Cheng and Chia-Mei Chen, “Security in Personal Area Networks”, The 13th Annual FIRST Computer Security Incident Handling Conference, Toulouse, France, 2001
  156. 黃世昆、陳嘉玫、陳年興、賴冠州, 「政府網路安全性之評估」, 第十一屆全國資訊安全會議, 台灣, 2001
  157. S. K. Huang, N. S. Chen, Chia-Mei Chen, and B. J. Lin, “Survival Acceptability Evaluation and Incident Case Report in Taiwan”, The 12th Annual FIRST Computer Security Incident Handling Conference, Chicago, 2000
  158. 林秉忠、陳嘉玫、陳年興、黃世昆, 「台灣網路安全性之評估」, 第十屆全國資訊安全會議, 台灣, 2000
  159. 張平河、陳嘉玫、王貴英, 「大型企業分散式資訊系統之安全管理」, 第十屆國際資訊管理學識研討會, 1999
  160. Chia-Mei Chen and S. T. Cheng, "A Simple Web-Based Single Sign-On Solution", The National Information Security Conference, Taiwan, 1998
  161. Chia-Mei Chen , S. T. Cheng, and Y. C. Lee, "Secure Bank Account Purchasing in the Web", The National Information Security Conference, Taiwan, 1998
  162. "Sheng-Tzong Cheng,Chia-Mei Chen,and Jing-Wen Hwang", Low-Power Design for Real-Time Systems, "Proc,of the 1st International Conference on Information,Communications & Signal Processing (ICICS'97)", Signapore, 1997
  163. "Shyh-In Hwang,Chia-Mei Chen,and Ashok K. Agrawala", Scheduling an Overloaded Real-Time System, Procs of the IEEE International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, Arizona, ~ 1996
  164. Chia-Mei Chen and Satish K. Tripathi, An Analytical Model for the Reliability of Real-Time Systems, "Procs. of the International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) International Conference on Applied Modelling,Simulation and Optimization", 1995
  165. "Chia-Mei Chen,and Satish K. Tripathi", Fault-Tolerance Scheduling in Real-Time Systems, Procs. of the International Society for Computers and Their Applications (ISCA) International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering, 1995
  166. "Chia-Mei Chen,Satish K. Tripathi,and S. Cheng", A Fault-Tolerance Model for Real-Time Systems, Procs. of the 1994 IEEE Workshop on Fault-Tolerant Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1994
  167. "Chia-Mei Chen,Satish K. Tripathi,and Alex Blackmore", A Resource Synchronization Protocol for Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems, Procs. of the 1994 International Conference on Parallel Processing, 1994
  168. Chia-Mei Chen and Satish K. Tripathi, An Optimistic Concurrency Control Algorithm in Real-Time Database Systems, Procc. of the ISCA International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, 1993


  1. 吳惠麟、 陳嘉玫 , 網路安全概論與實務:開源碼架構之網路安全防禦解密, 碁峰, 2014
  2. Chia-Mei Chen, J. J. Huang, Y. H Ou, Detecting Web Attacks Based on Domain, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013 (Vol.8039, pp. 97-106)
  3. Chia-Mei Chen, M. Z. Huang, and Y. H. Ou, Detecting Web-Based Botnets with Fast-flux Domains, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Applications - Volume 2 , 2013 (Vol. 21, pp. 79-89)
  4. Y. T. Hou, Chia-Mei Chen, B. C. Jeng, A Key Predistribution Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network Using the Small-World Concept, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2007 (4658, 137-146)
  5. 陳嘉玫, 電子商務理論與實務,梁定彭主編,第四章網路安全, 華泰文化, 2002 (二版)
  6. 陳嘉玫, 電子商務理論與實務,梁定彭主編,第四章網路安全, 華泰文化, 2000 (初版)


  1. Chia-Mei Chen, 〝Scheduling Issues in Real-Time Systems〞, Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, technical report, 1995 (CS-TR-3493, UMIACS-TR-9583)
  2. Chia-Mei Chen, N. Roussopoulos, 〝Evaluation of Transferring Files Through RPC, TCP Approaches〞, Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, technical report, 1991 (CS-TR-779)
  3. Chia-Mei Chen, Satish K. Tripathi, 〝Multiprocessor Priority Ceiling-Based Protocols〞, Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, technical report(CS-TR-3253)


  1. Chia-Mei Chen, G.H Lai, Z.-X. Tsai, Integrated Forensic Tool for Network Attacks, 刊登於Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2019 (專書論文)
  2. D. W. Wen, Chia-Mei Chen, Evolution of Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) Attacks and Actors, 刊登於Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2019 (專書論文)
  3. 陳嘉玫, 漫談網路安全之社交工程, 刊登於科學發展月刊, 2010
  4. 陳嘉玫, 網路安全, 刊登於電子商務理論與實務, 梁定彭所著, 華泰出版社, 2000


  1. 運用深度學習自動化萃取威脅情資
    -國科會委托, 主持人, 2023-8-1-2026-7-31
  2. 跨雲安全原生之虛實情境感知零信任架構(1/2)
    -國科會委托, 主持人, 2023-6-1-2024-5-31
  3. 以即時監控與威脅情資防禦目標式攻擊
    -國科會委托, 主持人, 2020-8-1-2023-7-31
  4. 以雲端平台為基礎之智慧型安全分析與管理系統-總計畫暨子計畫一:以Hadoop雲端平台為基礎之智慧型安全分析與管理系統
    -科技部委托, 主持人, 2017-8-1-2020-7-31
  5. 基於Hadoop平台之APT攻擊大數據分析研究
    -計劃編號105-2221-E-261 -003 -MY2, 共同主持人, 2016-8-1-2018-8-31
  6. 資安監控與管理技術開發--資安監控與管理技術開發(1/3)
    -計劃編號106-3114-E-006 -003 -, 共同主持人, 2017-6-1-2018-5-31
  7. 雲端環境下之網路目標性攻擊、關連分析與多層次防禦技術研究--雲端環境中持續且目標性攻擊偵測之研究
    -計劃編號103-2221-E-110 -049 -MY3, 主持人, 2014-8-1-2017-7-31
  8. 雲端環境下之網路目標性攻擊、關連分析與多層次防禦技術研究-雲端環境中持續且目標性攻擊偵測之研究
    -計劃編號MOST 103-2221-E-110 -049 -MY3
    -科技部委托, 主持人, 2014-8-1-2017-7-31
  9. 網路威脅搜捕、態樣分析、追蹤與過濾技術研究-子計畫一:網路威脅搜捕研究
    -計劃編號NSC 100-2218-E-110 -004 -MY3, 主持人, 2011-8-1-2014-7-31
  10. 網路威脅搜捕、態樣分析、追蹤與過濾技術研究-總計畫
    -計劃編號NSC100-2218-E-006-028-MY3, 共同主持人, 2011-8-1-2014-7-31
  11. 雲端資安監控平台之研發-子計畫三:安全的上網環境之研究
    -計劃編號NSC100-2218-E-110-011, 主持人, 2011-10-1-2012-7-31
  12. 雲端資安監控平台之研發-總計畫
    -計劃編號NSC100-2218-E-110-009, 共同主持人, 2011-10-1-2012-7-31
  13. 網路安全測試平台(Testbed@TWISC)之建置、推廣與應用(III)
    -計劃編號NSC100-2219-E-006-001, 共同主持人, 2011-1-1-2012-4-30
  14. 府城柑仔店(3/3)
    -計劃編號NSC100-2218-E-006-004, 共同主持人, 2011-11-1-2012-10-31
  15. 府城柑仔店(2/3)
    -計劃編號NSC99-2218-E-006-009, 共同主持人, 2010-11-1-2012-1-31
  16. 有主動防禦機制的誘捕系統研究(開放軟體元件開發分項)
    -計劃編號NSC99-2220-E-110-002, 主持人, 2010-8-1-2011-8-31
  17. 網路安全測試平台(Testbed@TWISC)之建置、推廣與應用(Ⅱ)
    -計劃編號NSE99-2219-E-006-011, 共同主持人, 2010-1-1-2011-1-31
  18. 網宇實體系統 (Cyber-Physical Systems) 之創新資安技術研發
    -計劃編號NSC98-2218-E-006-250, 共同主持人, 2009-10-1-2010-7-31
  19. 網路威脅搜捕分析與追蹤技術研究-子計畫一:分散式網路威脅搜捕技術研究
    -計劃編號NSC98-2218-E-110-007, 主持人, 2009-10-1-2010-7-31
  20. 網路威脅搜捕分析與追蹤技術研究-總計畫
    -計劃編號NSC98-2218-E-006-252, 共同主持人, 2009-10-1-2010-7-31
  21. 智慧行動裝置瀏覽網頁之安全機制(開放軟體元件開發分項)
    -計劃編號NSC98-2220-E-110-011, 主持人, 2009-8-1-2010-7-31
  22. 府城柑仔店(1/3)
    -計劃編號NSC98-2218-E-006-257, 共同主持人, 2009-11-1-2010-11-30
  23. 府城柑仔店(1/3)
    -計劃編號NSC98-2218-E-006-257, 共同主持人, 2009-11-1-2010-11-30
  24. 網路安全測試平台(Testbed@TWISC)之建置、推廣與應用
    -計劃編號NSC98-2219-E-006-001, 共同主持人, 2009-1-1-2010-1-31
  25. 智慧型數位生活空間之無線感測網路技術之研究(3/3)
    -計劃編號NSC97-2218-E-006-003, 共同主持人, 2008-11-1-2009-10-31
  26. 結合資料探勘與統計檢定之垃圾郵件過濾器之研究(自由軟體產業關鍵技術開發分項)
    -計劃編號NSC97-2218-E-110-004, 主持人, 2008-8-1-2009-10-31
  27. 智慧家庭監控系統之研究(自由軟體產業關鍵技術開發分項)
    -計劃編號NSC96-2218-E-110-005, 主持人, 2007-8-1-2008-7-31
  28. 資通安全人才培育計畫-子計畫三:資通安全人才培育-國立成功大學資通安全研究與教學中心
    -計劃編號NSC97-2219-E-006-003, 共同主持人, 2008-5-1-2008-12-31
  29. 智慧型數位生活空間之無線感測網路技術之研究(2/3)
    -計劃編號NSC96-2218-E-006-008, 共同主持人, 2007-11-1-2008-10-31
  30. 無線感測網路之覆蓋研究
    -計劃編號NSC95-2221-E-110-083, 主持人, 2006-8-1-2007-7-31
  31. 智慧型數位生活空間之無線感測網路技術之研究(1/3)
    -計劃編號NSC95-2218-E-006-055, 共同主持人, 2006-1-1-2007-10-31
  32. Linux開放架構下數位生活家用網路安全之嵌入式平台開發
    -計劃編號NSC95-3113-P-110-001, 主持人, 2006-2-1-2007-1-31
  33. 以螞蟻演算法為基礎之來源追蹤之研究
    -計劃編號NSC94-2213-E-110-049, 主持人, 2005-8-1-2006-7-31
  34. 以使用者行為特徵為基礎之安全機制
    -計劃編號NSC93-2213-E-110-045, 主持人, 2004-8-1-2005-7-31
  35. 位置衍生之服務與應用技術-子計劃二:位置認知下資訊安全機制與服務(I)
    -計劃編號NSC91-2219-E-110-002, 主持人, 2002-8-1-2003-7-31
  36. 位置衍生之服務與應用技術-總計劃(I)
    -計劃編號NSC91-2219-E-006-010-, 共同主持人, 2002-8-1-2003-7-31
  37. 無線網路遊戲平台與魔法卡交易遊戲之研究開發
    -計劃編號NSC91-2622-E-110-014-CC3, 主持人, 2002-12-1-2003-11-30
  38. 虛擬攻防系統之建置, 主持人, 2001-08-01-2002-07-31
  39. 行動非同步傳輸模式網路之行動與資源管理研究, 主持人, 2000-08-01-2001-07-31
  40. 台灣電子商務發展之研究—電子商務之資訊安全管理研究(II), 主持人, 1999-08-01-2000-07-31


  1. 112年臺南市ISAC區域聯防服務
    -中華資安國際股份有限公司委托, 主持人, 2023-3-1-2024-2-29
  2. TACERT臺灣學術網路危機處理中心營運
    -教育部委托, 主持人, 2024-1-1-2024-12-31
  3. TACERT臺灣學術網路危機處理中心營運
    -教育部委托, 主持人, 2023-1-1-2023-12-31
  4. TACERT臺灣學術網路危機處理中心營運
    -教育部委托, 主持人, 2022-1-1-2022-12-31
  5. 護理人員對於資安意識的探討以及改善
    -高雄榮民總醫院委托, 主持人, 2022-1-1-2022-12-31
  6. TACERT臺灣學術網路危機處理中心營運
    -教育部委托, 主持人, 2021-1-1-2021-12-31
  7. 疑似我國金融機構網站及行動應用程式偵測系統概念性驗證案
    -財金資訊股份有限公司委托, 主持人, 2021-1-1-2021-12-31
  8. 機器學習協助臨床決策支援系統執行全人醫療之照護
    -高雄榮民總醫院委托, 主持人, 2021-1-1-2021-12-31
  9. 物聯網資安情資分享
    -中華資安國際股份有 限公司委托, 主持人, 2020-7-1-2021-12-31
  10. 疑似我國金融機構網站及行動應用程式偵測機制研究案
    -財金資訊股份有限公司委托, 主持人, 2020-1-1-2020-12-31
  11. 全人醫療之病患關懷偵測決策支援系統
    -高雄榮民總醫院委托, 主持人, 2020-1-1-2020-12-31
  12. TACERT臺灣學術網路危機處理中心營運
    -教育部委托, 主持人, 2020-1-1-2020-12-31
  13. 高雄市政府109年前瞻計畫資安區域聯防產學合作
    -中華資安國際股份有限公司委托, 主持人, 2020-8-1-2020-11-10
  14. TACERT臺灣學術網路危機處理中心營運
    -教育部委托, 主持人, 2019-1-1-2019-12-31
  15. 通訊協定模糊測試模組開發
    -安華聯網委托, 主持人, 2018-6-1-2018-9-30
  16. 護理排班與遠距醫療系統之研發
    -高雄榮民總醫院委托, 主持人, 2018-4-1-2018-12-31
  17. TACERT臺灣學術網路危機處理中心營運
    -教育部委托, 主持人, 2018-1-1-2018-12-31
  18. 107年前瞻計畫資安區域聯防平台系統(K-ISAC)建置暨維運案
    -中華資安國際股份有 限公司委托, 主持人, 2018-5-30-2018-11-15
  19. TACERT臺灣學術網路危機處理中心營運計畫
    -教育部委托, 主持人, 2012-1-1-2012-11-30
  20. TACERT台灣學術網路危機處理中心營運計畫
    -教育部委托, 主持人, 2010-6-1-2011-2-28
  21. TACERT臺灣學術網路危機處理中心營運計畫
    -教育部委托, 主持人, 2011-3-1-2011-12-31
  22. 教育機構資安通報應變暨資安人才培訓計畫
    -教育部委托, 主持人, 2009-6-1-2010-5-31
  23. Design Profiling and Security Enhancement in Cloud Computing Environment for TSMC Open Innovation Platform
    -TSMC 台機電, 共同主持人, 2010-2-1-2010-12-31
  24. 3G行動通訊系統之資訊安全監控與管理
    -台灣大哥大委托, 主持人, 2007-2-1-2008-4-30
  25. 網路安全檢測服務
    -宏瞻資訊科技股份有限公司委托, 協同主持人, 2005-2-1-2006-1-31
  26. 大專生參與專題研究計畫(劉威成)
    -計劃編號行政院國家科學委員會, 主持人, 2004-7-1-2005-2-28
  27. DNS安全檢測及事件紀錄分析機制實做研究
    -TWNIC委托, 主持人, 2004-6-1-2005-2-16
  28. 資通安全區域聯防計畫
    -資策會委托, 協同主持人, 2005-7-1-2005-12-31
  29. DNS Security資源網站建置維護暨DNSSEC之研究
    -TWNIC委托, 主持人, 2003-8-23-2004-5-22
  30. DNS伺服器安全檢測與防護體系之建置與運作
    -TWNIC委托, 主持人, 2002-8-1-2003-8-30
  31. 國家寬頻實驗網路(NBEN)網路安全建置與實驗計畫
    -計劃編號NSC, 協同主持人, 2003-3-1-2003-12-31
  32. 建置與運作資安區域聯防機制
    -計劃編號資策會, 協同主持人, 2002-5-1-2003-12-31
  33. 資安區域聯防機制之運作
    -計劃編號資策會, 協同主持人, 2003-5-1-2003-11-30
  34. 駭客入侵防護研究
    -計劃編號資策會, 協同主持人, 2003-5-1-2003-11-30
  35. 研發網路入侵偵測技術並提供系統弱點及解決方案
    -資策會委托, 協同主持人, 2001-9-1-2001-12-31
  36. 微軟網路安全研究計劃
    -台灣微軟股份有限公司委托, 協同主持人, 2001-7-1-2001-12-31
  37. 大規模網路安全檢查系統之研究
    -國推會委托, 協同主持人, 2001-1-1-2001-12-31
  38. 台灣電腦網路危機處理中心90年度工作
    -電信總局委托, 協同主持人, 2001-1-1-2001-12-31











